School Contact Information

phone: 402-727-3100
address: Fremont Middle School
540 Johnson Road
Fremont, NE 68025

district website:

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Homework Policy

Mrs. Enos’ Homework Policy
English 7
- developed by the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (2005) found on http://

• Homework provides time outside of the classroom for students to practice and deepen their understanding of the content being presented in class.
o Homework is meant to be set at an appropriate level based on a student’s prior knowledge or level of exposure to specific content.
• Regardless of student ability or prior coursework, the amount of time students actively and attentively devote to homework increases their achievement.(Keith & Cool, 1992)
• Feedback will be given along with a grade for all turned in homework assignments.
• Parent Involvement:
o Parents should set regular time frames, a place to focus, and clear expectations for where and when their children will work on homework.
o Encourage the following skills with your child throughout the school year: responsibility, confidence, persistence, goal-setting, and planning.
 Facilitate homework completion, not teach content
o Encouraging healthy study habits supports learning. Not only will your child see and feel the reward for his/her efforts, but they will grow in their ability to effectively handle areas of difficulty (Bempechat 2004).

Grading: assignment grades are based on total points—every assignment counts
• A = 100% - 93%
• B = 92% - 86%
• C = 85% -78%
• D = 77% -70%
• F = 69% - Below
• You will receive two days for every one day missed of class to make up any homework that was given/assigned the day of your absence.


• Late Homework: If you homework is not completed at the time it is due, you may turn it in the next day at the beginning of class, completed, for a maximum score or 80% (C). It may still be turned in for a passing grade if completed two days after the original deadline for a 70% (D-). If completed work is turned in three days after the deadline to the end of the quarter, the student can earn a maximum of 50% on the assignment.

Extra Credit:

• Bonus point opportunities will be given before most quizzes and tests on review days.

• If there are events at the school/community that are English-related, then extra credit towards your final grade will be developed as both an opportunity for continued learning and a way to improve your grade in class. There cannot be any missing homework in the grade book in order to receive extra credit points.