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phone: 402-727-3100
address: Fremont Middle School
540 Johnson Road
Fremont, NE 68025

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Fever 1793 Vocabulary Review

Click on the link below to review for the vocabulary portion of your novel test with this electronic flashcard set.

Fever 1793 Bonus Question

Historical-fiction novels are the best of both worlds. An author creates an imaginative story with original/made-up characters but also includes some interesting historical facts and events letting the reader learn about the world's history without much effort! The novel we just finished in class takes place in the late 18th Century in Philadelphia.

If you could go back in time and live during any era/time period/decade etc. besides present time, where and when would you want to live and why? Please give at least three reasons as to why you have chosen this time period as your favorite and explain your opinion in at least three complete sentences. If you accurately follow the directions, you will receive 5 bonus points that will be applied to your Fever 1793 novel test.

Please put your first name only at the end of your response so I can give you credit, but you can still maintain your privacy. You have until 3:30 PM on Thursday, November 17th to take advantage of this opportunity.

Oscar's Brothers in Arms Book Trailer

Click on this link to watch Oscar's book trailer about the novel Brothers in Arms, a book from the Bluford High Series.