School Contact Information

phone: 402-727-3100
address: Fremont Middle School
540 Johnson Road
Fremont, NE 68025

district website:

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Graphic Organizer

While reading "Amigo Brothers" the two main characters, Felix & Antonio were compared and contrasted through the following chart during the climatic point/fight in the short story.

(begins on line 216)

(begins on line 250)

(begins on line 298)


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday Wars Connection

In the novel Wednesday Wars, that I read to you to begin class, the protagonist/main character, Holling gave Mrs. Baker, his English teacher, tips/advice on what to do and not do in the classroom ("don't roll your eyes, don't cross your arms, and use code words when a student does something really well/praise them"). What is an important piece of advice you'd give to teachers that you feel would improve your education as a student(seriously) and why.

For example, please avoid suggestions such as: "Give me an "A" even if I don't turn in my homework." What do you feel is missing right now that you would like to see more of, or teaching practices that you think need to be changed/eliminated altogether. Make sure to support your opinion (please shoot for a 2-3 sentence response at least in order to elaborate on your ideas).